Limerick Regeneration – Public Realm Design Code

Áit Urbanism + Landscape assisted the Office for Regeneration Planning Team in the drafting of a Public Realm Design Code for each of the four Regeneration Areas.

The design code describes the public realm and green space strategy for each area with specific objectives relating to ecological, recreational and social functions. The design code sets out clear parameters for the development of major routes, local residential streets and Home Zones both new and retrofitting of existing streets.

A core challenge in developing the design code was achieving a balance between robust design and detailing and delivering a high quality urban environment. A central purpose of the code is to achieve design coherency in the public realm across projects being implemented in incremental phases and achieve better quality outcomes by concentrating resources on a streamlined palette of materials.

In developing the design code Áit U + L undertook field trips to the various sites in Limerick as well as the Ballymun Regeneration projects in Dublin. We interviewed members of the regeneration team to benefit from their experience of project delivery and public realm management over a ten year timeframe.


Limerick City and County Council


Moyross 2.3 sq km
St. Marys Park 0.5 sq km
Ballinacurra Weston 0.13 sq km
Southill 2.3 sq km


Office for Regeneration : Limerick City and County Council


Sep 2013-June 2014


National Planning Awards 2016
Public Ream Design Code for Limerick Regeneration.
Commended, Responsive Urban and Rural Design

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