This retail development is located on a site known locally as ‘Tom’s Field’. It is a location in Dunboyne of significance to the community, having served as the local GAA grounds for many years. The development is designed around a central plaza, functioning as a place for public amenity and events, the intention is that it becomes a community hub in the same way that Tom’s Field once was.


The design of the plaza is simple, it is largely open in the centre with large planters and seating to the perimeter. It is envisaged that markets and social events will take place here and so the open plan offers flexibility and space to set up market stalls or other events structures.

The paving takes its cue from the colour tones and geometry of the architecture. It utilises three different colour tones in alternating strips which respond to the staggered elevations defining one side of the plaza. The grey brick and granite cladding of the building is reflected in the silver and grey tones of the paving, this has the effect of unifying the two elements into a coherent composition of built structure and open space.

Planting is designed around the provision of food sources for pollinating insects. The client is a supporter of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan through Tidy Towns Competition, and so a sustainable and biodiverse planting scheme was a prerequisite. Flowering shrubs, perennials and bulbs are chosen in a wide variety (with reference to the ‘Pollinator Friendly Planting Code’) to provide nectar sources throughout the year. Planting of perimeter areas features heavily in native hedgerow species and provides wide margins which can function as green corridors for local wildflife.



Project Type


Public Realm

Biodiversity Planting


MCA Architects  + DBFL Consulting Engineers


Completed May 2019

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